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Step by step tutorial on how to navigate the Meeting Room and its multiple features on the Telecubes web app platform.

STEP 1 Telecubes Home. 

Select the service location where the student is enrolled in and click their name.

STEP 2 Meeting Room.

Click on the Meet icon located at the left.

STEP 3 Allow the use of camera & microphone. 

Your browser will prompt a message saying " want to use your camera and microphone", click Allow.

STEP 4 Chat.

To chat, simply click the space bar on left to start typing your message. You can also upload and download files while video chatting on the right side. 

STEP 5 Upload & Download Files. 

To upload a file click on the plus sign (+) and select the type of file you would like to add. You can add files directly from your computer, send a video message or open a discussion. To download a file sent to you through the chat, click on the cloud icon (     ) that appears above the document.

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